DiveRite BC Integrated Octopus
The Rite Source is both a BC inflation/deflation device and an alternate air source. The Rite Source comes with a lowpressure, high-volume inflator hose, corrugated, pull-dump hose, and the inflation/deflation/breathing device. The Rite Source is compatible with all Dive Rite first stage regulators and BCs. Specifications Corrugated hose: 16-inches with rapid exhaust pull dump LP hose: 27-inches with a high volume quick disconnect fitting and 3/8-inch threaded end Internal valve: Unbalanced downstream Buttons: Power inflation button, exhaust button, purge button
Features and functions
• Exhaust button (rectangular button): Used to deflate the BC
• Power inflation button (round button): Used to inflate the BC
• Purge button: Purges the regulator portion of the system
• Corrugated pull-dump hose: Vents air from the BC when pulled
• High-volume quick connect: Provides air from cylinder to inflate BC and breathe from the second stage regulator